Having found out that I know little about the jews, I have created this document in an attempt do log my findings.

Why do people hate the jews?

  • Historically Jews have actively not assimilated into the host culture after being driven out of Israel. They exist as a present other to focus hate onto. Most of the classic anti-Semitic ideas come out of medieval and Renaissance Europe, and come from this.
  • Jews are cheap: it’s not just cheap, but also that they’ll “Jew” you out of your money. Christian doctrine discourages (prohibits?) lending at interest, Jewish doctrine prohibits lending at excessive interest to other jews. Since the Christians won’t lend at interest, banking and money jobs went to Jews, leading some to become quite wealthy by “exploiting” the good Christians.
  • Jewish culture places a high value on scholarship. Every man is expected to be able to read and understand the Tanach (books of Moses+writings+prophets) and Jewish law (which is long and complex). So Jews were, on average, more educated than Christians.

Jews lived in segregated communities, by force or choice. This, combined with a heavier focus on cleanliness and hygiene in Jewish tradition (check out how often your supposed to bathe in the Mikva) lead to lower rates of disease, ESPECIALLY the Black Plague. Christian Europe is being devastated by a plague and the Jews are being passed over? Jews must be causing it.

  • Jews killed Jesus (ignoring that the basis of the christian faith requires Jesus to be killed…so you’re welcome). They KILLED YOUR GOD. Technically true since judea was a Jewish province of the roman emperor, but it’s not like EVERY Jew wanted to kill Jesus. A recent pope has actually come out and said that hating Jews for killing Jesus is ridiculous, only the leaders at the time are to blame.

  • There are several different causes of anti-Semitism. The original reason was a resentment of Jews who were, for many centuries, the only ethnic group in Europe who refused to convert to Christianity. This just struck the Christian population as terribly uncooperative. Then, various other accusations were made. Jews have been blamed for killing Jesus Christ, even though the New Testament reports that Jesus was killed by Roman soliders, not by Jews, but of course you can still claim that the Roman soldiers were acting in response to Jewish demands.

So let’s sum up. You have a people with different beliefs who live in their own towns getting rich and smart by screwing over good People and may or may not (probably are) be poisoning the water to kill everyone you know. Also they killed your god. If all that was true, wouldn’t you hate them?

misc notes

  • Barack Obama is anti-Israel as of @Wed, 25 Oct 2024
  • Joe Biden followed Obama. Do the math?
    • update: they have Israel in their hearts, but it is kinda hard to make the love work, as they gone mad in Gaza

The actual zionists were not religious people. They did not say “this is our holy land, therefore we should have it” - the father of zionism, Theodore Herzl, he wrote a pamphlet called The Jewish State at the end of the 19 century. His whole idea:

  • go to Argentina or the lands of Palestine
  • deal with the Otoman ruler and make an agreement to settle there as jewish people and take care of the land and basically give something in return
  • the whole idea was not to take over the land

During the First WW, in which the Otoman Empire was involved due to the relentless aim of conquering the world - when the UK defeated the Otoman Empire and occupied the region, they turned it into a mandate and they could basically do whatever they want with it. They decided to accommodate the jewish population and work toward a solution. Eventually they gave up because they could not find a proper solution. 

The entire idea of establishing a nation state like Palestine is not an idea that was dominant in the region at all. Nation states ideas came from the West. The people in the region, the Arabs, they did not have an ambition toward a state of Palestine until the 1960s when the whole idea was proposed that it should be a state of Palestine. Once they did take the lands from Israel, they did not form a Palestinian state, but what happened is that Egypt and Jordan took the lands which they conquered from Israel and occupied them. Â